What is Film & Comic Con?
Showmasters Film & Comic Cons are comic con style events with celebrity guest, professional photo shoots, stage panels and retail exhibitors held in locations around the UK.
Who runs Film & Comic Con?
The Film & Comic Cons are run by Showmasters events who have over 20 years of event experience. https://www.showmastersevents.com/
How big is the event?
The regional events each have around 6000 attendees over the weekends but this can vary depending on venue
Where is the venue?
Please visit the event specific website for information regarding the venue and its address
What is the accessibility?
Full details can be found by visiting the venue websites. For details on Film & Comic Cons accessibility check the event website (link in top menu) or please click here
Is there a cloakroom?
Most venues operate a cloakroom. Please note that items are left there at their own risk and will incur a nominal charge. Please contact them directly to check availibility
Is there security?
As with all large events we have security on site. You may be asked to go through a bag check upon entry. Please take heed of all the instructions issued to you from our crew or security teams.
Are there ATMs?
Some venues do house an ATM but this can have long queues and can run out so we advise you bring enough cash with you in advance.
Is there Wi-Fi?
Please check with the venue directly regards if they have Wi-Fi available to customers
What is the parking facilities at the venue?
All our venues have good access and parking facilities. Please see the venues website for specific information and charges
What refreshments are available?
There will be some places in which to get refreshments in the venue itself or you can visit the restaurants in the surrounding areas – view this link for more information
Can I leave the building once I have entered?
Yes. If you have a weekend ticket you will be given a wristband that should be kept on until the event has ended. This will grant you re-entry. If you have a day ticket you can get a hand stamp before you leave which will permit you to come back in.
What tickets are there?
There are a number of different ticket types available. Please visit our online shop for the full details. It is important to consider what you are wanting to take part in when purchasing your entry tickets as late entry is not for people wanting photo shoots or paid talks as they can be scheduled at any time throughout the day. Please also note that Diamond passes, photo ops and paid talk tickets do not include entrance to the event so you must have one of these to take part in the activity.
What is a Gold Pass?
There are many advantages to being a Gold Pass holder, which will make your visit to our events even more enjoyable.
- The ticket includes entry to the show for all opening days with a dedicated Gold Pass queue at the front door. This will mean a shorter queue at the entrance and early entry to the event (5 minutes).
- No need for VQ tickets as your pass acts in the same way (NB This is not the case for Diamond pass guests).
- Priority queuing for photo ops
- Priority seating in the talks
- You will receive a £5 voucher to be used on a prop or green screen photo shoot at the event.
Exclusive Gold Pass Autograph Pack We will be offering a pack of 5 autographs from a category of your choice for TV shows/Movies.
Please visit the online shop for full details.
What is a Diamond Pass?
This is a ticket designed for fans of a particular guest. It is an all-inclusive guaranteed way to meet the guest. Please visit the online shop for full details. Note that the Diamond Pass does not include entry into the event.
How do I get tickets?
Tickets are subject to availability and can be purchased through our ticket shop
What is the refund policy?
We encourage you to think carefully before purchasing tickets as they are non-transferable or refundable.
How do the e-tickets work?
Our tickets are powered by Eventbrite. When you order you will be sent an electronic ticket in PDF form. These can be printed by you in advance or shown on your smart devices for scanning. You can also download the Eventbrite App which stores all your tickets in one place. Please note that the tickets will only scan once so each person wishing to take part in the activity requires their own ticket.
Can my child come?
Children under four come in free and can take part in activities with their parents as long as they have a fully valid ticket.

Can I cosplay?
Yes! We encourage people in costume. We have a dedicated Cosplay Zone where you will find our fantastic Cosplay Guests and our Cosplay stage.
What is the replica weapons policy?
All rules regarding cosplay can be found here
How do I enter the cosplay masquerade?
Our Cosplay Masquerade is very popular so pre-registration is advised. Follow this link for more information

Can I take photos or video?
With the guests:
We recognise that getting a photo with a guest can be important. Therefore, when you meet the guest to obtain your autograph, there is usually no further charge for taking a photo with them.
However, as the day progresses, it does sometimes become necessary to stop photos in order that the guests can get through demand and meet more people, otherwise there would be fans that would go home not having met them at all.
Please also bear in mind that whilst guests are often willing to pose for photos with fans, there may be many reasons why they decline. If this happens please do respect their wishes – there will be signs clearly on display to indicate when photography is not allowed and this includes taking photos of them in the autograph area.
With attendees:
Getting memories of your visit is part of the experience so we do permit photography at the events. Please be respectful of any areas where it is advertised that it is not permitted. Also it is courteous to ask permission to those you are photographing. Many of our cosplayers want to share their outfits with you but be nice to each other and respectful of their wishes.
During the Talks:
We would please ask that during the talks you confine any flash photography to the first 5 minutes of the talk, as this can cause a distraction and be very off-putting to the guest and the rest of the audience.
The use of video cameras is permitted in the exhibitor’s room, although we would advise asking someone’s permission before filming them. All we ask is that you use your discretion and not to film anyone that doesn’t want to be filmed (this goes for fans, staff and dealers as well as guests).
Video Cameras and video/sound recording equipment (including the use of recording facilities on mobile phones) is NOT allowed into Guest Talks or screenings. This is for a number of reasons both legal and practical.
What does no posed photos and no photos signs mean?
When these signs are posted it means that the guest has requested either no posed photos taken or no photos taken while they are at their table. This can be requested for a number of reasons and we ask that you respect it.
How long will it take to get in?
Do to the sheer number of attendees coming to our event it takes time to process those in the queue. Please bare this in mind when you are planning your day especially if you have scheduled photo ops and allow enough time for you to access the building and get to where you need to be. If you miss a paid for activity because you did not allow enough time then it will not be refunded.
Will I have to queue?
There will of course be some elements of queuing for activities but we have put in place a number of things that will reduce the amount of time you have to wait, leaving more time to enjoy the event.
What is a Virtual queue?
A Virtual Queue (VQ) is a queue that you don’t actually stand in until your number has been called. You collect a numbered ticket specific to each guest at the beginning of the day in the signing area from the crew member who is managing that line and return any time after that number has been called. Depending on your ticket number you can work out roughly what time your number will be called. Each person wanting to join the queue must have a VQ ticket which must be collected in person. We do advise that you try to get there early if there is a guest you are particularly keen to meet as VQ tickets are limited. Please note the VQ Ticket does not guarantee your autograph.
If I have a gold pass, do I need a VQ Ticket for Diamond guests?
Yes. All Gold Pass holders will require a VQ ticket if the Diamond guest does a signing session outside of the designated Diamond Packages.
What is a Batch?
To enable our photo shoots to go quickly and avoid long queues your pre-purchased photo op ticket will have a batch number on it. Each batch is around 50 tickets and will be called up by the crew members. You can enter the photo shoot queue any point after your batch has been called but we ask that you are in the area in time to hear the instructions from the crew. In the event that you miss the photo shoot there is not anything that we can do and tickets are not refundable.
If I have a clash between activities what do I do?
We will only take clashes into account for paid for activities. In the event that this happens please talk to a crew member who will be able to advise you on which activity to do first and may be able to expedite you in the queue to allow you to get everything you have paid for.
Can more than one person be in a photo op?
Yes, you can have more than one person in the photo op. Each person is required to have their own photo op ticket and you will each get a photo to take home.
If I have more than one photo ticket (or going in with a friend) can I have different poses?
Yes, but if the photoshoot is busy, make sure the photographer is aware. Please remember to keep your poses simple and be ready to pose as soon as you are next to the guest.
Can I get a digital copy of my photo op?
Digital copies will be made available after the event for a small charge. Visit https://showmasters.photoshelter.com/
If a guest has a split photo shoot, how do I know which one to go to?
When the schedule is announced some guests may have two photo ops in a day. We call the tickets up in Batches (See ‘What is a Batch?’) so you will be able to roughly work out which session you will likely to be called in. Please talk to the crew member in the area who will be able to advise.
Can I get a quick autograph in the photo shoot?
No. Our photo ops move quite quickly and we do not have the facilities to take payments for autographs. If you wish to get an autograph the guests will be signing at their desks when not taking part in other activities.
Do guests charge for selfies?
No. Our guests do not charge for selfies but please note that not all guests will be offering them. In the event that they do offer selfies these are only for those who are obtaining autographs. You are not able to just go and get a selfie without a purchase.

How do the free talks work?
Entrance to the free talks are on a first come basis. The hall is emptied after each talk to allow fairness.
What can I get signed?
You can generally get any item signed. If we are aware of any restrictions for a guest we will communicate this. You are paying for the signature not the item. Prices are per signature and are listed on each guest page. In the event you do not have an item to get signed we will provide a 10×8 photograph. If there is a specific image that you are wanting, we recommend that you bring it to avoid disappointment
How do I get a stall?
If you are interested in becoming a vendor please see the exhibitors section of the website
Can I still get autographs if I don’t attend?
If you are unable to attend the event you can still pre-order autographs from http://www.showmasterssales.com/
How can I volunteer?
Please visit our crew information page
Where can I send guest suggestion?
We all want the big names to attend the event and there are a number of factors that go into booking guests but if you have any unusual suggestions them you can submit them via the Showmasters forum
How can I pay for stuff?
The items sold by Showmasters can be paid for in advance through our online shop or on the day using cash or all major payment cards. If you wish to pay for autographs using a card, then you will need to visit our sales desk to purchase credit card vouchers which can be exchanged at the autograph desks. We have a number of vendors in attendance but they may not all accept card payments so please bare this is mind.
Can I give the guests a gift?
As there are a lot of people who want to meet our guests their time is precious. The photo shoots occur very quickly and so this is not a suitable time to offer a gift if you have one. If you do wish to give something the best place to do this is at the desk when you are getting your autograph. Please don’t be offended if they are not able to open it in front of you this is purely down to time constraints.
Can I just talk to a guest?
We have a number of people who want to meet our guests and as such it is not always possible to allow people to just come up for a chat, particularly when they have a large queue. If the guest has a quiet queue, however, you are welcome to have your chat.
Who do I talk to if I have a problem?
If at any point during the day you have any issues, your first port of call would be to speak to our Pit Bosses (our senior crew in red) but if for some reason they can’t help, you can ask to speak to someone on our info desk. Please note that it is very hard for us to rectify any issues you have after the event so please do highlight these at the time so we can assist in making your visit enjoyable.
What do I do if I lose something or find something lost?
If you find an item, then please hand it into a member of the crew who will make sure it gets to the info desk. If you lose an item, please visit the info desk with the full details of what it is that you have lost. If they do not have the item, you can leave your details with them in case it gets handed in at a later stage.
I need to leave early but have paid for activities.
Our activities can occur throughout the whole day so please keep this in mind when booking travel arrangements. We are not able to expedite you in the queues or move activities due to travel arrangements being made too early or late.